My name is Dayanna Rebeca Ureña Zamora, I know! A long name. Usually, people call me Rebeca, Rebe, Becky Beca, Rebequita (little Rebeca), and Dayi, but for business purposes, Day for “Day in your Closet” fits the task. 

I was born and raised in Costa Rica, a country known for its natural beauty and stunning beaches. My family has a rich history in coffee cultivation, and I continue to grow a small amount of coffee to honor our traditions. The scent of coffee flowers is a nostalgic connection to my ancestors, who have since passed. 

We were raised Catholic, and as much as I love my religion, I was taught in the same religion to respect all religions and sexualities, as we were put on this earth to love, not to judge. 

I married five years ago to a beautiful soul God had as one of the biggest blessings in my life. He is my best friend, my rightful and loyal companion, and someone I love deeply. He is a Canadian, which explains many things if you know what I mean. He is truly my fairy tale prince. It may be silly to think so, but I think so every day since our love seems to grow and adapt. We ended up living in a very remote mountain beach house in the southern Pacific zone of the country, and I had to renovate my style completely, from cold, dry mountains to humid tropical ones. It was not easy to dress here, but I learned a lot about my style and fabrics.

Here, I decided to finally pursue my dream of becoming an image consultant as I was away from my farm, and during the pandemic, many of us discovered what we wanted to do with our lives. I was tired of working many hours for a boss and never getting creative; creativity is like the air I breathe; I feel empty without it. 

First, I needed to decide what school I wanted to go to since there were so many, but I had one in mind already for years: Stealing Style Academy in New York. Not only does the teacher have many years of experience, having worked in many cities with high-end clients, but it was also named the best school of image in Brooklyn for many years. Something felt right.

Michelle Sterling is a very patient, knowledgeable, and kind woman. She teaches in a very creative and fun way. This is a very inclusive school, so I have had the pleasure of studying with women from all over the world, from India to Latin America. I thought it was straightforward material, but I struggled with color theory. Michelle ensured I got it right 100% before graduation. 

I have always loved helping my friends and people in need by overcoming fears and bettering themselves. When I started studying, I realized I was on the right path. As I mentioned in my last post, I had a rough beginning, and that’s why I want to help women work on their self-esteem and overall image, to get them closer to their dreams with confidence, with tools that will open the path for them more easily. 

I had little time for this project so far, but I see an impact on my clients and how they perceive themselves and the world. I’m not a prominent philanthropist, but my work is complete if I can help five women change their lives. Success is not measured by money, not to me, but by our impact on others and the influence we leave behind. 

It hasn’t been easy to find my path in life; it has taken me 33 years to realize what I wanted, i studied before some graphic design, literature, history, and languages to admit that as much as I love learning and reading, my career was this one, maybe before when the idea came into my head after programs on tv, and doing many makeovers to my employees,  there wasn’t a market for were I was living, but now with the internet and Starlink I can do it from anywhere in the world, that is also the reason I decided to create my content in English so that I can work from women from around the globe from the confort of my home.

I’m a person who is drifting and being gilded by life itself; I don’t plan ( unless it is business). I just left God or the universe to lead the way, and in my experience, that has given me so much freedom and happiness; for creative people like me, this is key; we hate living the same day twice and do not get comfortable with routings, we let life surprise us! 

So there you have it. I’m a Catholic Latina artist who loves image, self-love, and service.